Hurricane Preparedness

Post date: Aug 25, 2011 1:24:43 PM

Originally posted Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 8:30 a.m.

While we continue to monitor the progress of Hurricane Irene, we would like to remind the community to stay informed and be prepared. The Office of Public Safety offers information and tips for hurricane preparedness:

Be Prepared Not Scared

Although we cannot prevent hurricanes, we can certainly prepare for them. If you are prepared with food (items that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking and little or no water) and water (1 gal. of water per person per day for at least 5 days), an emergency can be an inconvenience, not a disaster.

Everyone has a personal responsibility to be prepared. Creating an emergency plan ahead of time for you and your family will help you stay organized if a hurricane strikes. Your emergency plan should include a communication system, disaster supply kit, and an alternate meeting place if your home is unsafe. Depending on the severity of the hurricane, you may need to evacuate where you live. When instructions are given to evacuate, you will be directed to a temporary, emergency refuge that will provide a safe haven for the duration of the storm. However, it is recommended that you seek refuge with a friend or family member located away from the affected area. You'll be more comfortable on a friend's couch than on a cot in a shelter.

Get more tips for hurricane preparedness from the Office of Public Safety, including suggestions for an "Emergency Go-Kit", tips for pet protection, local emergency communication channels, and more.

You can also visit the Nassau County Hurricane Preparedness page for additional tips.