Declaration of an Emergency Condition (Garden City Campus)

Post date: Aug 26, 2011 8:20:47 PM

Originally posted on Friday, August 26, 2011 @ 4:22 p.m.

To take effect Saturday August 27, 2011 From 8:00pm to Sunday (T.B.D)

During the period of any campus major emergency the Department of Public Safety and Transportation as required shall place into immediate effect the appropriate procedures necessary in order to meet the emergency, safeguard persons and property, and maintain educational facilities. The Executive Director of Public Safety and Transportation (or designee) shall immediately consult with the President (or designee) regarding the emergency and the possible need for a declaration that an emergency situation exists.

With this declaration, only registered students, faculty, staff and affiliates (i.e., persons required by employment) are authorized to be present on campus. Those who cannot present proper identification (registration, employee identification card, or other I.D.) showing their legitimate business on campus will be asked to leave the campus. Unauthorized persons remaining on campus may be subject to arrest in accordance with the New York State Penal Law.

All emergency operations shall be coordinated by the Executive Director of Public Safety (or designee). The direct operational control of a campus emergency or hazardous condition is the sole responsibility of the Executive Director of Public Safety (or designee).

The coordination of the Campus Response Team is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Public Safety who will coordinate all on and off campus emergency functions.

No university department or individual is authorized to circumvent any emergency declarations that have been made without the approval of the President (or designee).

With this declaration, the Dell MessageOne AlertFind mass notification system will allow us to quickly inform the campus community and confirm the safety of our students, faculty and staff.

In addition, only those faculty and staff members who have been assigned Emergency Response Team duties or authorized by the Department of Public Safety and Transportation will be permitted to enter the immediate disaster site only after receiving proper identification from the Public Safety mobile command vehicle.